Wood in aircraft modeling is a material for those who collect aircraft of the first generations and strive for maximum authenticity. It is more difficult to work with it, it requires certain experience, additional tools and consumables. Plastic model airplanes are much easier and more accessible for beginners. They are assembled with glue, look flawless and easy to decorate.
Prefabricated plastic aircraft models are intended for children over 10 years old, although enthusiastic adults often buy them. The main thing here is not the age of the modeler, but his sincere love for technology.

Calling glue airplane models toys would be wrong. Many of them are quite expensive, require a lot of time and effort to assemble, and when assembled they look no worse than museum exhibits. Gluing parts, painting and applying parts gives the real modeler a lot of fun. When this work is completed, the model takes its rightful place on the shelf and pleases its owner for many years.
Modeling is an excellent tool for the all-round development of a person. Working with aircraft models awakens interest in different historical epochs, military affairs, and obtaining additional technical knowledge.

Looking for a place to select and buy various prefabricated aircraft models? Aircraft can be selected by:
- price;
- material of manufacture;
- the number of details and complexity of the model;
- aircraft brand, years of production and other parameters.